What's my job? What's YOUR job?

I still don’t know how to answer when someone asks me ,“So, Eden, what do you do?”


I teach voice lessons. I also coach singers in performing. I write songs with them. I create melodies and tunes. I arrange music into performable tracks using Logic Pro. I record singers in my studios and theirs. I teach other voice teachers how to use online music tech. I advise them how to share their music publicly. I create and direct music videos with my singers. I create entire albums with my singers.

But wait, there’s more! I help them write one-person shows. I connect them with theaters and music venues. I create lists of songs they should try. I accompany them in performance. I listen to their original songs and offer guidance and advice. I play for their parties. I tell them how, what and where they should perform next, and oftentimes that next performance is an event I’ve created, booked, and promoted just for them.

I am a hyphenate teacher-creator-producer. A musical maitre’d. Tough to put on a business card!

That’s what I do. What do you do, if you’re in my studio?

Your job is to sing, create, and perform and to have a great time doing it. My job is to handle the rest (but I’ll teach you how to do those extra skills, if you want).

Do it for the joy of it. Not for approval, not as a substitute for therapy, not for a grade, not to be accepted and not for likes on Instagram. We can all tell if you’re faking.

I sing to make sound come out of my throat in a way that feels good and makes my whole day better. I perform because it makes me really, really happy. If I couldn’t sing, I would still perform. I’m thrilled that I can do both.

I teach and coach singing because I want you to enjoy the sounds that come out of your throat. I do all the rest of my “hyphen” jobs to increase everyone’s enjoyment of your singing, creating and performing.

This is why I provide so many studio-created options to my students (from social media shares to living room gigs to online collaborating to full recorded albums to showcases to one-person cabarets!). While you’re in this studio I want you to take advantage of all the options you can. (Does it scare you to think about doing any of these? Why?)

Shameless plug: Buy a Hello Session as a gift for your favorite musician (even if that’s you)! Talk to me if you’d like to create a package of lessons as a gift, any time of the year. Warning: I don’t create packages for everyone who asks. Please don’t give me as a gift to someone who’s hard to buy for. ;)

Some singers come to the Hello Session wanting to master specific songs for a specific goal (I love goals!) like acing an audition, getting into college, surviving an open mic. That’s fine! I’ll make sure you’re prepared. What’s next?

Or maybe you just want to know that you’re singing “all right.” I will tell you if you are or aren’t, and help restore you to vocal health if it’s the latter. After we determine that you’re singing all right, what are you going to do with your “all-right” voice and talents? That’s where most voice lessons stop and it’s where my “hyphenate” skills come in handy.

When you come for your “Hello Session” I see a unique individual who wants to feel good about the sounds they’re making, the performing they’re doing, and the creations they’re putting out into the world. Your job is to enjoy your singing, creating, and performing. My job is to help everyone else enjoy it right along with you.

You inspire me, and I will move the Earth for you.