As soon as people find out I'm a voice teacher, I usually get the following questions.
Q: "I can't sing!"
Not a question, but in fact it is. Properly translated, the question is: "Can I sing?" or "Can *I* sing?"
A: Yes. But if you take lessons, you'll probably be happier, and a better singer! Voice lessons help keep your voice healthy and can steer you to the right music for your voice.
Q: Do you sing opera?
A: Yes. But I also sing other stuff.
A bit of "Der Holle Rache" from Mozart's Die Zauberflote, followed by "I'm The Queen And You're Not" from a coloratura cabaret in Michigan, 2010. Music and lyrics by the incomparable Fred Barton.
Q: Should I take lessons at the same time each and every week?
A: If you want to, sure. Students who take more frequent lessons will see faster progress. But, it doesn't have to be at 3pm every Wednesday for the rest of your life. I offer flexible scheduling because I'm busy too!
Have a lesson on Friday at 5, then switch to an online lesson on Tuesday at 7. Students who buy a semester of lessons can schedule them any way they want -- four lessons one month, seven in the next, two at the end, then a whole month off. It's up to you!
Q: Should I sit at the piano and practice for two or more hours a day?
A: Only if you want to burn out! Practice frequently, but break it up into smaller sessions. It all counts. Vocalize in the shower. Check out your tongue position while you're combing your hair. Practice your warmups in the car (sing along with the mp3s I send you of your lessons).
Be aware of how you use your voice in speech during the day. Use the "think system" and play air piano at your desk. The mental work you do contributes greatly to your progress! And yes, devote regular focused time to learning your lyrics, rhythms, and melodies. Record your practice and LISTEN and WATCH for even better results.
Q: To sing pop, rock, or Broadway I need to study classical singing, right?
A: Nope! That would be like telling a football player that the only training he needs is tap dancing. For centuries, voice lessons have been associated with classical music. But now we have voice teachers who can train singers to sing in any style they wish {points to self}.
All singers should understand how the voice functions to make style-specific sounds. (Why does Shakira do that? How does Michael Buble sound like himself? Why can't I sound like Gwen Stefani except when I have a head cold?) In your first lesson I'll give you a short anatomy lesson to explain how your voice works, and how different styles affect what your voice does.
Classical is only one of the many styles that all voices can learn (or at least try!). But, just as some football players have found that ballet has made them better players, many non-classical singers find benefit from knowing how to sing a little bit "classically." It's all good.
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