The Seven, Vol. 6: Cats, kids, dresses

1. I have recitals to prepare, students to teach, plays to write, miles to run, family to visit and closets to declutter, but all I want to do on the bitter cold days is enjoy Love Appointments with my cats. That's what I call a purr-filled petting session, where all I do is try to make a cat deliriously happy. Some days that's about all I get done . . .  but that ain't so bad. Even better, some cats reciprocate. This is Boo-Boo Napoleon Kitty and this is his usual spot, right behind my neck, purring like mad. IMG_5234

2.  This is his other favorite spot, behind me on my office chair. His heat will move your soul. 

Boo-Boo's Got My Back

What does Boo-Boo sound like? Click here for The Purr That Heals The Broken World.

3. Lou-Lou Kitty declined to be photographed for this blog post; she worries that the camera will steal her spirit. But Cecilia C. Cat has put on her winter fur layer and spends most days hibernating on our bed, where I snap away:

Cecilia C. Cat aka "Meowiness," mid-yawn

4. Okay. No more cute cat posts. Here's my niece, this cute little behbeh! 

I know how you feel, kid

5. Here's my daughter, the proudest member of The Baby-Sitters Club, Cousin Edition:


6. My other baby wants to play rock and roll. My son has a new electric guitar and is about to start lessons with the leader of Johnny and the East Coast Rockers.

John Paul B. Goode

7. This is exactly how I felt when I found a lovely new singing dress in late November: 

Dress up diva time

7.5: Here's the new dress. It's not by anyone famous -- JS Boutique, I think. It meets my Singing Dress Criteria (some kind of strap or sleeve so the dress is supported by my shoulders, formfitting but not too tight around the ribcage, slightly swishy, neckline somewhere between Vegas and Amish, easy to pack and hard to wrinkle, age-appropriate sparkle, to-the-floor length with no leg slit in the front, and some kind of front and back interest).  IMG_4553 IMG_4552

Finding The Dress!


I found it in November and wore it for a "Messiah" in December. If I learn that #$&@!!! music, maybe I'll get to wear it again! Incentive!!! XO EC

Thank you Macy's for having one to try on, and thank you Bloomingdale's for having one in my size!