How to land a fun part-time job without really trying

Here's how I did it, folks! 1. Found out about a great choral concert presented by the Ecclesia Consort. Made plans to attend at Emmanuel Church in Newport.

2. Talked about it on my website blog (see below!)

3. Attended the concert, congratulated the singers, and was happily astonished when Emmanuel's music director said, "I read your blog yesterday because you mentioned the group and our church! It came up on Google!"

5. Was floored when he asked, "Do you by any chance teach voice lessons to kids?" (Why, yes. Yes I do.)

6. Two days later, fielded a phone call from a legendary music director at an Episcopal church in East Greenwich, RI. She was seeking a voice teacher for her choristers and had seen my website. Did a quick interview. Got the job!

So, starting next week I'll be teaching sightsinging and voice lessons at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, and may be helping with the Royal School of Church Music's summer camp for choristers, held at Salve Regina University (I teach there, too!)

As happy as I am about this development -- I totally support young kids learning how to sing beautiful sacred music -- I am still seeking a musical home in a Catholic church in my part of the diocese. When I moved here, I thought it would be possible to find at least a few -- okay, even just one -- Catholic parish with musical development programs like these, for children and adults. Or, I'd find a parish willing to start one. So far I have encountered the total, depressing opposite.

So, I feel a little like I just agreed to go to prom with the leader of the chess team, after being ignored by the football captain. Catholic parishes of Rhode Island . . . why don't you call me? Don't you know I love you? XO Eden