EC loves SC, but not Roller Derby
Great music, beautiful art, and a cute date -- that was my Saturday night! Mr. C and I attended the Schola Cantorum of Boston's 25th Anniversary concert at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in Providence. RISD just renovated the Creamer Medieval and Early Renaissance Gallery, and the Schola "blessed" the gallery's re-opening with a performance by its twelve amazing singers, directed by Frederick Jodry of Brown University.
Noticing RISD's large collection of sacred art about the Annunciation of Our Lord to the Virgin Mary, Jodry programmed music about Our Lady, including the Missus est Angelus Gabriel by di Lasso. What a sweet idea! The Schola sang the most sublime version of Victoria's Vere Languores Nostros that I have ever heard. Drat, I did not get a recording of it. But I did record the Schola singing Ecce Ancilla Domini, immediately followed by the Kyrie of the Mass based on that chant. The Schola has released several stellar recordings over its 25 years so do support their properly recorded work, don't just settle for this bootleg. ;)
Mr. C and I relaxed on a velvet couch in the back of the gallery . . bliss, for how often do you get to hear a Mass sung while reclining? (Not often, unless you can rack out in a choir loft!) I know Mr. C is Mr. Right because we were celebrating our six-month wedding anniversary in that art gallery, listening to a really good choir. My "Chants Occurrence" buddy Brendan was there too, and he pronounced it "great." We now have 6 members of "Chants Occurrence"! That is five more than I expected to join.
Thanks, Allegra Martin, for letting me know about the concert! Allegra blogs about all things Boston and choral and she's a member of Schola Cantorum.
Later that day, Mr. C celebrated our six-month-i-versary by taking the family to my first -- and probably last -- Roller Derby. He was so excited. He wanted to buy souvenir t-shirts for the tough girls in his life. He loved the down-home atmosphere. I wanted to share the excitement with him, but failed miserably. Providence Killer Bees and Elm City Destructive Damez (whatever), I mean no offense, but I found your sport really boring. Paint-drying-on-the-wall boring.
The Bees ran away with the score-- at least I think that's what happened; all I saw were a bunch of costumed, heavily padded women skating determinedly in a very small circle. Other people seemed to like it all right, but the cheering was decidedly muted, as there was really no drama as to who was going to win. At halftime the score was a lopsided 193 to 15. I was willing to stay -- quid pro quo for my beloved Mr. C, who was new to Josquin -- but we left. I suggested mud wrestling for our one-year commemoration. Even better would be mud wrestling by members of the Schola Cantorum, while singing Victoria.
This week I'm tending a bunch of irons in the fire. I'm returning to my old parish in Michigan for Palm Sunday, I have no idea what I'll be singing except for Hosanna Filio David. Living on the edge! Then, I'm teaching a couple of fun Elderhostel classes at Camp Michindoh in Hillsdale, and then heading to Ohio to help my parents move into their new home. Busy but productive. I'm back home in time for our annual Potluck of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
And now, off to teach some Episcopalian kids about good singing. Things are movin' up. Hope the kids' larynxes aren't!