Eden Casteel

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Hello from the Ocean State!


I'm all moved in to my new home in Rhode Island. I'm getting married here in October. I'm in a beautiful house near the ocean, with four cats, a dog, a snake, and lots of weeds to pull. I'm teaching part time at Courthouse Center For The Arts.

And now . . I'm looking for new adventures. I'm a Catholic looking for a parish, a classically trained soprano cantor looking for a choir loft and a priest who likes "Ave Maria"s, an organist looking for an instrument. I'm a performer looking for a stage, a writer looking for a story (and some quiet place without boxes around, to write it!), a teacher looking for students to inspire. I'm a gardener looking for flowers and back yards to delight me, a traveler looking for new places to explore, a mom of a tween and a stepmom of a kindergartener looking for support and advice, a divorced woman looking for prayers as I take the ultimate leap of faith into the future.

So. . . email me, if I don't find you first. ;)